Saturday, March 21, 2015

Najstarije drveće na svetu

21.mart je Svetski dan šuma.

Stara mudrost kaže da jedno društvo počinje da napreduje kad članovi tog društva počnu da sade drveće a znaju da u hladu tog drveća neće uživati.

Svako ljudsko društvo na našoj planeti treba da se zabrine nad podatkom da godišnje sa lica naše olanete nestaje 16 miliona hektara šuma, zauvek.

Ljudi bez šuma ne mogu, a šume bez ljudi - mogu.
Postoje svedoci te tvrdnje.

Deda-stabla, Entovi našeg vremena, drveće staro više hiljada godina nađeno i imenovano širom naše planete.

Drveće koje je bilo tu kad su se stvarale i propadale ljudske civilizacije diljem Zemljinog šara, a oni bili nemi posmatrači upijajući tragove vremena za civilizacije i generacije koje dolaze i prolaze.
Svetski Dan šuma, ustanovljen tek pre koju deceniju 1971, kad su ljudi razumeli da su već previše štete naneli šumama krčeći ih i gde nikako ne bi trebalo, uništavajući ih zagađenjima kako nikako ne bi smelo i uklanjajući ih i sebi i drveću na štetu.

A treba samo pažljivo pogledati i saslušati ove, samo na prvi pogled neme svedoke nedostatka ljudskog poštovanja prema šumama i naučiti da se šume mogu i koristiti i čuvati i negovati i voleti i paziti. Tako da ni šume ni ljudi ne budu na gubitku.

Imala sam jednom jedan plan da jednog čoveka, neobičnog i sjajnog,  upoznam sa jednim drvetom koje raste na obali Dunava otkad znam za sebe, da ga predstavim "svom" drvetu. I - nije mi uspelo, Ali - drvo mi je ostalo...

1. The oldest tree on Earth is a Bristle-cone pine meaningfully called “Methuselah”. It is 4,800 years old and it stands proudly in Methuselah alley, Nevada.  

2. Very highly regarded in its native land, Sarv-e-Abarkooh is an impressive 4,000 years old cypress. This tree may be found in Abarkooh, in Iran.   

3. Located in Wales, United Kingdom, the Yew tree is object to local legends and superstitions. Even though Yew trees are long living trees, no other exemplar of the species ever touched the venerable age of 4,000 years.  

4. One of the oldest tree species that are still thriving today is the Patagonian Cypress: fossilized parts of this plant were believed to be 35 million years old. Today, the oldest Patagonian cypress, or Alerce, has counted 3,500 years of existence. This huge tree measures between 40 and 70 meters, but much larger specimens existed in the past.  

5. Happily living in Florida, USA is the Senator, a pond cypress, the oldest tree of his species. Its estimated age is of 3,400-3,500 years and it stands 35 meters tall; the original height of the tree was of 50 meters but a hurricane destroyed its top.    

6. What a wonderful name for a tree which truly deserves it! The Patriarca da Foresta is a 3,000 years old deciduous tree in Brazil. The Patriarch of the forest is rising in the Atlantic Forest, as one of the tallest trees there, and certainly, the oldest.  

7. The Formosan Cypress is known as a slow growing tree. Yet, it may reach 60 meters in height once it is fully grown. It is also famous for being able to reach respectable ages, and the oldest of the species, called the “Alishan Sacred Tree” , which fell in 1997, as a consequence of serious rainstorms, was believed to be 3,000 years old. It had an important meaning for the Buddhist in its area and thus, they were the most affected by its loss.

8. Also known as “The tree of 100 horses” the oldest chestnut in the world may be found in San D’Alfio, Sicily. Even though its age is not known with accuracy, it is no less than 2,000 years old, though it may actually be as old as 4,000.  

9. Sequoias are known are known to be able to reach thousands of years of existence. Thus, it is no surprise to see one of these magnificent trees on the list. General Sherman is the oldest sequoia in the Sequoia National Park. This is no only one of the oldest trees in the world but also the largest when it comes to wood volume: 1487 cubic meters of wood make the trunk of this 2300 years old sequoia.  

10. Depending on who you like to believe, this tree may be as young as 2,170 years, or as old as 7,200. It age cannot be determined because the inside of its trunk is so rotten that the age of the tree could not be determined according to its rings. Located in Yakushima, in Japan, the amazing Jhomonsugi is one mystery that scientists will probably never be able to elucidate.


Trajanje šuma je zapis o šumama.
Nestanak šuma je zapis - o ljudima.
Nemojmo ostavljati takve zapise o sebi.
Sadimo, čuvajmo šume, one trebaju nama i onima koji dolaze posle nas.

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