Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Haven`t been around for a while...Working, working, working...Talking with women, listening, looking what can I do, as a politician, to change things for better, saw a beautiful "haiku" song from Mazuo Basha ...."my house among banana trees was burnt down, now there is nothing between the Moon and me..."
Looks like that there will be a women chairing......Good for you, democrats!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

About a hundred years ago a revolution started, a "bread and roses" revolution that was moved and lead by some great and courageous women, a revolution that demanded women`s right to vote. What has happened since than?
Almost all of the women in the world can vote, some of the women can be elected and a very few are really in decision making cycles influential on our common reality and more important - our future.
What gender that future will have? Will it be "gender neutral" or marked by men as it used to be? It looks like that future is not what it used to be.
It looks like that politics as it used to be harms its own recourses, it does not deliver what was promised, it looks like that it is time for change. Refreshing winds of change can be made of women voices. Women speaking and men hearing and listening, that is the process ahead of the present time. What is the strength of our voice, what is the difference in the sound that we produce, where is the hope that our voice can make a difference? It is in our offer for what politics should be - politics is all about taking care of people, and that job is women`s job, because all our life is dedicated to others, we are raised up with skills to take care of others and that model of behavior should be introduced in public scene, in public affairs, in politics as a whole. We have to change present models of power in politics, we have to bear in our mind that we offer "sharing the responsibility, and not sharing the power as it is now". We do not want to wake up in hundred years from now and look in the same problems that we share nowadays, we do not want to see women underrepresented on the decision making places and societies frozen under male model of politics, model that is already half-dead because it does not give people vision and hope.
Equity.Human rigts.Women human rights. Justice. Fairness. Changing the model in which 20% of world population uses 80% of all the recourses. Millenium goals do not deliver results, deadline for delivering seems forgotten and that is why we need women action plan for the future. Future that would be "gender neutral".